FUSE-AI opens up Scandinavian market for its AI software

The internationalization of FUSE-AI continues to progress. After the United Arab Emirates and the USA, FUSE-AI is now opening up another financially strong market in Scandinavia.

The Scandinavian countries are ranked in the top 15 worldwide with the highest level of GDP per capita. (Norway in 2022: USD 105,000 per capita).

Our long-term goal is to sell AI software for diagnostic assistance in 44 countries worldwide.

Matthias Steffen presented AI solutions from FUSE-AI at the Oslo conference "Digital Health - The German and Norwegian Market" on October 17, 2023. The framework was provided by the 5-day delegation trip organized by the German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce (AHK Norwegen) for German SMEs. The AHK thus opened the way for FUSE-AI to clinics in the Scandinavian region.

In addition to the business initiation program, the agenda offered an exchange of knowledge with Norwegian innovation clusters, universities, institutes and companies. Hosts included the Oslo Invention Center of the University Hospital, Radiumhospitalet (Norway's largest oncology clinic) and the incubators Aleap and Health2B.

AHK Norway organized the business initiation visit in cooperation with Norway Health Tech, the Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, ZVEI e. V. and Bitkom. The trip was organized on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).

Norway is one of the most digitalized countries worldwide, with a strong focus on life sciences and healthcare.

The Scandinavian countries are closely interconnected in this area. Similar to the German healthcare sector, the Norwegian healthcare sector is undergoing profound change: Similar to the German healthcare sector, the Norwegian healthcare sector is undergoing profound change: an ageing society, decreasing population and a shortage of skilled workers are calling for innovative solutions to finance and secure future healthcare provision.


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