Marine knowledge for the treatment of chronic diseases

BlueHealthTech is an interdisciplinary alliance that aims to connect marine research with the healthcare industry to develop innovative solutions for the treatment of chronic diseases. The Alliance focuses on strengthening inter- and transdisciplinary partnerships and leveraging the diverse expertise in the Kiel area. The BMBF is giving up to € 15 million in funding for this purpose.

FUSE-AI applies for the project call of the BlueHealthTech Alliance

We believe our expertise in artificial intelligence is an enriching extension of the alliance and an opportunity to push the development of innovative health technologies.

All projects will be open to the public and are aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises, associations, societies as well as research and educational institutions. Projects can be submitted from engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, economics and humanities.

We are excited about the opportunities and partnerships opened up by the Alliance and look forward to working together at the interface of marine research and the healthcare industry.


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