FUSE-AI codes your AI-based chatbots
Chatbots in medical communication offer huge potential, but also equally huge dangers. As is well known, the greatest danger lies in the misinterpretations which programs such as ChatGPT, can cause, and thereby providing patients with false information. Such misinformation may dramatically affect the health of those seeking medical advice.
Prostate.Carcinoma.ai©: Certification has been initiated
07-28-2022 Despite all oppressive circumstances that are currently making life hard for medical device manufacturers - and which could potentially threaten the existence of some of these companies - we have succeeded: FUSE-AI and their products will be certified by the Notified Body BSI Group! "We are pleased about our new client FUSE-AI GmbH from…
Eröffnung des Health AI Hub HAIH mit Wissenschaftssenatorin Katharina Fegebank
Der Health AI Hub Hamburg wurde am 28. August offiziell eröffnet. Die zweite Bürgermeisterin und Senatorin für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Gleichstellung der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, Katharina Fegebank gab hielt einen Impulsvortrag zur Relevanz von innovativen, KI-basierten Lösungen in der Gesundheitsversorgung. Eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Politik und Forschung ermöglicht hohes Potenzial den Hub weiter auszubauen und spannende Projekte zu…