News©: Certification has been initiated

07-28-2022 Despite all oppressive circumstances that are currently making life hard for medical device manufacturers - and which could potentially threaten the existence of some of these companies - we have succeeded: FUSE-AI and their products will be certified by the Notified Body BSI Group! "We are pleased about our new client FUSE-AI GmbH from…

Veranstaltung Veranstaltung

FUSE-AI beim AI-Meetup in der HSBA

Am Freitag, den 21. September fand der fünfte AI-Meetup in der Hamburg School of Business Administration statt. Das Host und Organisator des Events war Rico Meinl (ebenfalls Entwickler bei Novomind). Das Publikum bestand aus Interessierten aller Felder. Am meisten waren Informatiker vertreten. Wie Uve Samuels einleitend erklärte bietet die Hamburg School of Business Administration großartige…
