Using artificial intelligence to preserve the knowledge of chief physicians

Matthias Steffen's talk on "Using artificial intelligence to preserve the knowledge of chief physicians" has been published in the book "Artificial Intelligence Today" by Gunnar Brune.

In this article, the author gives a current assessment of the use of AI in various fields of application, e.g. medicine. Thereby, the AI practitioners are given some insights via targeted interview questions, that are now made available to a broad public. "Something is going on in these interviews. Practical ideas, opportunities, challenges appear in stead of science fiction," says Gunnar Brune.

Matthias Steffen's interview is about AI support for radiologists, who have to scan through thousands of black-and-white MRI images day by day. AI-powered image recognition enables radiologists to reduce their reporting time radically, because the smart software automatically detects organs and tumors.
A fascinating story is told about how the start-up FUSE-AI has developed their new AI software.

You can order the book here.


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