Juri Rohde from FUSE-AI shares tips and tricks at Bitkom's "Get Started Health Network"
"AI in Medical Devices" was the topic of the event on July 5 and was discussed widely in Berlin. Currently, the AI Act is being under negotiation in Brussels and this is exactly that time when reasonable questions of AI software manufacturers need to be taken into attention
Using artificial intelligence to preserve the knowledge of chief physicians
Matthias Steffen's talk on "Using artificial intelligence to preserve the knowledge of chief physicians" has been published in the book "Artificial Intelligence Today" by Gunnar Brune. In this article, the author gives a current assessment of the use of AI in various fields of application, e.g. medicine. Thereby, the AI practitioners are given some insights…
Eingespieltes Team trifft sich auf dem Röntgenkongress in Wiesbaden
07.06.2022 Matthias Steffen reiste über Himmelfahrt zum Deutschen Röntgenkongress (RöKo), um sich in Präsenz einen aktuellen Marktüberblick zu verschaffen. Außerdem freute er sich darauf, persönliche Gespräche zu führen, Vorträge zu hören und neue Kontakte zu knüpfen. Über 20 Themen des gesamten Kongresses befassen sich mit Künstlicher Intelligenz. Auf dem Stand von Mint Medical trafen sich…